Daily Blissful
3 min readFeb 12, 2022


Why did journaling become such a big trend?

Writing in a journal has many benefits and has great potential. It would surprise you how powerful this small habit could impact your well-being!

One of the reasons journaling has become so popular is because it actually helps reduce stress and anxiety.

When you write about how you feel, it makes you understand yourself more. You gain control of your emotions and learn about the things that trigger your anxiety and make you feel overwhelmed.

Putting your emotions down on a piece of paper, will help you find the root of the problem. This helps you learn how to react when you become stressed or anxious in the future.

Another reason why writing your thoughts down on a piece of paper is helpful is because it’s a healthy way of expressing yourself.

Nowadays, we all need a safe space where we can let out our thoughts without being judged or criticized. Journals are a great place to do that if you don’t feel comfortable expressing yourself in front of others.

When you are in a situation where you are feeling overwhelmed, it can feel like someone shook your brain and scrambled everything!

The simple act of writing in your journal helps you create order when everything is in chaos. This makes you differentiate your stressors and your tasks and helps you organize your thoughts.

To really get all the benefits out of journaling, consistency is key! Once you practice this enough, it can become almost a subconscious reaction when you are stressed and anxious.

When something in your life happens that causes you stress, you will have this tool handy, so you will be more quick to deal with this stressor.

Journaling daily will not only improve your mood, but it will also make your day-to-day life much more manageable, and you will be ready to conquer whatever comes your way!

Here is something you can try as you begin journaling.

Make a list of the things that cause you stress and anxiety.

Circle all the ones that you have no control over and put an X through them.

If you have no control over them or can’t do anything about it now, they shouldn’t have to add more to your plate.

Now, the things that you do have control over, what can you do about them? Is it a task that you can do this week? Or maybe it’s a work project you need to complete. Make a plan that works for you and your schedule to deal with each of these stressors.

You don’t have to deal with them all at once, just focus on one and go from there.

Now you are ready to conquer your day with only a journal.

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